Virtual Lab of Process & System Modeling
Virtual Lab of Process & System Modeling
Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Accessibility Analysis of Temporal Systems, SYMMETRY 14 : 5 Paper: 983 , 12 p. (2022)
Pokorádi, László
graph theory; accessibility; temporal systems; Monte-Carlo Simulation
Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Accessibility Analysis of Temporal Systems, SYMMETRY 14 : 5 Paper: 983 , 12 p. (2022)

Temporal networks and network-structured systems are gaining ground in daily life. Such net-works are Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANET) and Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANET), in fact, Industry 4.0 requires similar local networks. During mathematical model-based analysis of real temporal systems, it is vital to determine the existence and frequency of accessibility between components. Graph theory is a well-known mathematical tool used for studying accessibility of network components. In previous publications, the author proposed an easy-usable algorithm for determining the existence of interconnection between system-components. The Monte-Carlo Simulation can model the temporality of systems. The aim of this paper is to propose a Monte-Carlo Simulation-based method that estimates symmetry or asymmetry and the frequency of accessibilities between the components of temporal network-structured systems.

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